I took the Minolta with me on my last trip to North Carolina, and while I didn't even manage to use up a whole roll, I wanted to compare the strength of its photos with more recent digital ones. I also used black-and-white film.
I've read that many professional photographers - in this case, the superstar sense of the word - remain users of 35mm film and find themselves able to get higher quality with it, even with how far digital has come. That intrigues me; and also makes me happy because I don't think we should ever abandon something that worked very well for so long, just because something new becomes available.
Anyway, I read that in particular B&W 35mm film is superior to its digital counterpart. So I just wanted to see for myself.
Aaaaand wowza - I am in love with these pictures!
Though the rhododendren pictures are similar, I simply could not decide between them so I've shown both. And no, the last photo isn't perfectly composed or anything, but it just seems to brim with light and lushness.
I love that the photos are already beautifully saturated, and again, B&W photography lends an automatic sense of "story" to a picture. I wish I could go out and try to recapture even more, especially since I have three unused rolls....
...but times are tough, and I had to sell my Minolta a few weekends ago. (That's why I don't know the exact model; never committed it to memory)
I do know, though, that if I ever am finally in a stable situation money-wise, I'd like to purchase another 35mm camera.
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